În perioada 28 Iunie-2 Iulie am fost în Birmingham (UK) la EuroPython - conferința utilizatorilor de Python. Au fost peste 430 de participanti din toată lumea și o mulțime de prezentări. Am avut ocazia să văd o serie de prezentări cu privire la componente open-source scrise în Python dar și prezentări ale unor produse de success. Nu a fost chiar o mare plăcere să descopăr că sunt singurul român participant - ce-i drept Python nu prea este folosit în România, Ruby având mult mai mulți adepți - chiar dacă mult mai puțin decât în alte țări.
I’m a strong admirer of Google business model but I keep wondering how did they managed to obtain such a huge number of typos inside their translation to Romanian language. I don’t have inside information about the approaches they made in order to localize Google Groups but I have serious doubts about having any kind of quality check.
I decided to start a series of Tips & Tricks posts that anyone can use for fast 18n bug finding in their application. As you can know the speed is really important when it comes on solving bugs.
What is an altered English dictionary? it’s a virtual translation of your English translatable strings to English but using characters from other languages that are similar to the ones from English…. shortly it’s a find-and-replace by character.
I was surprised to discover that creating Unicode UI elements in the resource editor of Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 (SP1) does work, BUT when you compile your application they will fail to display well.
Some time ago i found out that that, at least for Adobe:
International English (IE) = “American English”
Universal English (UE) = “British English”
So if I want to use a real “generic” English terminology I should call it “Multiversal English”?
As nobody else used the term Multiversal English before, I suppose I could try to register it as a trademark.
Clearly adding images for representing languages is not the most important internationalization issue someone can make. In fact I added #1 because this is the first internationalization mistake I decided to blog about and I want to document many more mistakes in the future.